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Meet Sanjana Kanamarlapudi – a very young author of 7 books!

Posted in Category: Writers
Meet a young author of seven books Sanjana Kanamarlapudi

Sanjana Kanamarlapudi, only 13, has already written 7 books! This might sound perplexing to many readers. However, the truth is that Sanjana has been writing for many years now and she published her first book in 2018 – Cupcake The Unicorn. The first book was more like a fantasy ride coming out of a very young mind, nevertheless. However, if you go through her recent publication, The Moon Wolf, published in August month of 2021, you will find that her writing has matured and she has been able to keep her audience hooked to the storyline she built around wolves and their struggles internally and externally.

Already an inspiration for children of her age, younger to her and beyond, Sanjana takes interest in other activities as well. She is into dancing, singing and painting. You will also find sketches in her first few books. A multi-talented child, Sanjana also loves animals and she wants to become a doctor of them as well, a veterinarian, once she grows up.

Sanjana Kanamarlapudi’s writings can be traced having various sources of inspiration. Her love for animals, her interest in their behaviour, world and fantasy novels, serials and stories that we get to hear from our parents and grandparents. The Moon Wolf and Cupcake stories are examples of the same. Her science fiction novel, Back to Earth, tells a wonderful, cautionary story to the readers – save the planet we live in or we might face the situation when we have to vacate earth and find shelter elsewhere. It is not only surprising but also critically noteworthy that such a young child could not only imagine but also put facts into her work in the fitting spaces. Reading her novel, Back to Earth, will not let you feel that you have to take into note the age of the author!

Inspired by authors like J. K. Rowling, she has also created a magical, fantasy world for herself in her novel Bella Clarke And the Cave of Mysteries – the Forest Bay Academy. This novel also tells us how young minds are influenced by what they read and become curious enough to replicate the ideas. However, it is striking to note the originality that the author has tried to put in her work, making it more of hers rather than letting it be a reminder of Rowling’s masterpiece. Such qualities in the writing of a young author are impressive and truly appreciable.

You can use her books to inspire young readers around you because the author has always taken care of one thing. Her books are beyond the purpose of leisure and entertainment only. For example, in The Moon Wolf, you will find lessons of leadership hidden between the lines. In Back to Earth, the author has tried to offer a picture of our earth in a destructed way so that we can worry about our future and start taking care of our planet. Kids will surely relate to these works and find more than reading pleasure.


by Priya for Featured Books

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